The Rev. Canon Anne E. Kitch
Canon for Ministry Formation and Transitions

For with you is the well of life,
and in your light we see light.
Psalm 36:9

“I hope you are going to get me breakfast after this,” my daughter tosses at me with a pretense of petulance.

“I can’t, I’m already going to be late for work.”

“Last time I got shots you bought me a donut.”

“Well, if it’s a donut you want, I can handle that.” Surely we have enough time for that. Everyone I know is haggard. Everyone has way too much weighing on her. Everywhere I look I see worn faces that tell of impossible tasks set before them. In this context, a donut seems a small thing.

And a large thing. Small kindnesses contain the power to overcome despair, just as a single flame keeps the darkness from being complete. And we are two candles into Advent. Again I remind myself to practice hope.

To live in expectation. To set my feet upon the path. To lift my head. To light the second candle. To trust that light expands and dispels the darkness. To remember the one I hope for is Hope itself.



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