2023 COLA Grants
The 2022 Diocesan Convention on October 1, 2022, passed Resolution 1 – 2023 Clergy Salary Schedule (click here). This resolution includes a recommendation that parishes provide a cost-of-living increases of 8.5% to lay and clergy employees. This annual cost-of-living increase is tied to the March Consumer Price Index as stipulated by a resolution passed at the 2016 Diocesan Convention.
In anticipation of the impact on parish budgets across the diocese, Diocesan Council added $100,000 to the Diocesan Budget also approved by the 2022 Diocesan Convention. The goal of the 2023 COLA Grants program is to assist parishes providing cost of living increases in 2023 for their current employees. The full $100,000 will be allocated proportionally only to parishes who apply before December 1, 2022.
Applications and supporting documents should be emailed to Paula Lapinski (email Paula). The application should be approved via Vestry resolution and include signatures of your clergy leader, Senior Warden, and Treasurer. The application asks for compensation details about current employees as well as submission of recent financial statements.
If you have any questions about completing your application, please email Canon Steve Baker: email Steve.
Download the 2023 COLA Grants Application: PDF format or Microsoft Word Format.