Dear Pilgrimage Shepherds,
When Bishop Sean called us as a diocese to pilgrimage last fall, he encouraged us “To imagine a future we have not seen…, and to embrace the imagination of God.”
Since Advent, our Pilgrimage Blog has highlighted personal imaginings on pilgrimage, journey, places left behind, unknown destinations ahead, challenges and joys along the way from people across our diocese. As we head into the end of summer and anticipate gathering as a diocese at our convention in October, we want the blog to reflect even more voices.
We would love to hear from each congregation and are inviting you to submit a post.
Each post should include:
A reflection or meditation on pilgrimage (ideally not more than 300 words)
- A personal thought on pilgrimage and how God has been at work in your life
- A reflection on how God has been at work in your congregation
- A reflection on gathering with others in the diocese to seek God’s purpose together
A photo
- Of the individual, if it is a personal post
- Of the people of your congregation
- Be sure you have permission to post this photo and that it is not copyrighted material, as it will be on our diocesan website and Facebook page
Posts and photos should be emailed to Canon Anne E. Kitch.
1st Deadline: August 15th
2nd Deadline: September 1st
Thank you,
Your Pilgrimage Blog hosts
Canon Anne E. Kitch, Diocesan Staff
Canon Maria Tjeltveit, Church the Mediator