Clergy Transitions

Bishop Kevin announces the following Clergy transitions in the Diocese of Bethlehem.  In sharing this news, he spoke of the extraordinary Pentecost Dawns moment that is before us as we welcome over 20 Clergy leaders serving in new calls across...

A Pastoral Letter from Bishop Kevin

Pentecost 2021 And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Acts 2:1 Pentecost dawns. That moment when God’s Spirit is so ever-present and transformative that the only option for...

Save the Date: Convocation Meetings

We are excited to invite you to a Convocation meeting with Bishop Kevin to hear about upcoming efforts to enhance the mission and ministry of the Diocese of Bethlehem during the next five years. Bishop Kevin will discuss our Five Priorities, the goals of Convocations,...

Good Friday Crosses

  Good Friday Message- Bishop Kevin Nichols Like our young Artists we enter the story of Christ’s Passion and death. We bring the tapestry of our own lives… Our joys and our burdens? What have these last few months or this past year been like for you? What...

A Statement from Bishop Kevin

January 7, 2021 Dear beloved of the Diocese of Bethlehem, Even there your hand will lead me  and your right hand hold me fast.    If I say, “Surely the darkness will cover me, and the light around me turn to night,”   Darkness is not dark to you;...