For our Common Life

A four-part virtual formation series focused on issues of racial reconciliation and the calling of the Church and our diocese to strive for justice and peace among all people. This series was born of the work and study of the diocesan Racial Justice and Reconciliation Task Force and diocesan staff. We have worked together to create a series of guided interviews with authors and speakers from across the Church that will prompt group discussions and, hopefully, ministry in our congregations and action in our communities.

Session 1: The Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers 
Examining our Episcopal & Anglican Tradition

Session 2: The Rev. Dr. Lloyd A. Lewis 
Paul’s Little Letter: Philemon’s Big Impact

Session 3: Dr. Sandra Montes 
To Be or Not To Be: God’s Beloved Community

Session 4: Hon. Byron Rushing 
Repentance and Repair: A Faithful Look at Reparations

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