The Rev. Canon Anne E. Kitch
Canon for Ministry Formation and Transitions

Commit your way to the Lord and put your trust in him,
and he will bring it to pass.
Psalm 37:5

“Not connected to power: Your computer must be connected to power to install updates.” The popup window pulses in the top right hand corner of my screen. I am certain several highly paid researchers are behind this bit of technology insuring the message will capture my notice.

I have been avoiding the needed updates for days. Each time the reminder pops up, I put it off for another hour or day. I am always in the middle of something that I do not want to interrupt and I don’t want to commit myself to the time and attention necessary for the task. Yet I know that neither the renewal nor the recharging is optional if I want to stay the course.

If I commit to the Advent way, I commit myself fully to a passage that unfolds before me every moment of every day, a path I must trust is there, a trail that I cannot scout ahead. Grace precedes me as God’s route is perpetually updated, renewed, refreshed. Although I foolishly try, I simply cannot negotiate the terrain under my own steam. I must stay connected to the power source and recognize that God makes all come to pass.



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