Transforming Prayer

Canon Maria Tjeltveit Church of the Mediator, Allentown …Peter went up on the roof to pray. Acts 10:9 Prayer is at the heart of the pivotal story of Peter and Cornelius (Acts 10). Cornelius is a Gentile, a centurion, or Roman soldier, “a devout man who feared God with...

To the Ends of the Earth

Canon Maria Tjeltveit Church of the Mediator, Allentown “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea, and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8 By the time we get to the 9th chapter of Acts, the progression of the witness of Jesus’ followers beyond...

Barnabas and Dorcas

Canon Maria Tjeltveit Church of the Mediator, Allentown But Barnabas took [Saul], and brought him to the apostles…. [Tabitha/Dorcas] was devoted to good works and acts of charity. Acts 9:27, 36b “He was a real Barnabas.” That’s what a colleague of one of my...

Converted by Grace

Canon Maria Tjeltveit Church of the Mediator, Allentown [Saul] asked, “Who are you, Lord?” The reply came, “I am Jesus, who you are persecuting. But get up and enter the city and you will be told what you are to do.” Acts 9:5-6 The conversion of Saul on the road to...

Officials and Refugees

Canon Maria Tjeltveit Church of the Mediator, Allentown Now there was an Ethiopian eunuch…. Acts 8:27 “The Ethiopian official.” That’s what the preacher at the Trinity Institute kept calling the man who Philip goes and engages on the road from Jerusalem to Gaza. The...