by superadmin | Sep 15, 2016 | Pentecost Meditations, Pilgrimage Blog
Mark Laubach St. Stephen’s Pro-Cathedral, Wilkes-Barre The Lord my God my shepherd is Hymn 663, The Hymnal 1982 The text of Hymn 663, “The Lord my God my shepherd is,” a paraphrase of the beloved Psalm 23, was written in 1953 by F. Bland Tucker (1895 – 1984)...
by superadmin | Sep 14, 2016 | Pentecost Meditations, Pilgrimage Blog
Mark Laubach St. Stephen’s Pro-Cathedral, Wilkes-Barre O Zion, haste, thy mission high fulfilling Hymn 539, The Hymnal 1982 The words of the hymn “O Zion, haste,” are by Mary Ann Thomson (1834 – 1923), a native of London who eventually moved to Philadelphia and...
by superadmin | Sep 13, 2016 | Pentecost Meditations, Pilgrimage Blog
Mark Laubach St. Stephen’s Pro-Cathedral, Wilkes-Barre The God of Abraham praise Hymn 401, The Hymnal 1982 So much of our musical heritage in the Christian Church finds roots in Jewish liturgical customs. For a start, the Psalms of David are the oldest hymns we...
by superadmin | Sep 12, 2016 | Pentecost Meditations, Pilgrimage Blog
Mark Laubach St. Stephen’s Pro-Cathedral, Wilkes-Barre Wilt thou forgive that sin, where I begun Hymn 140, The Hymnal 1982 “Wilt thou forgive that sin, where I begun,” was conceived by its author, John Donne (1573 – 1631), not as a hymn, but as a poem, entitled...
by superadmin | Sep 10, 2016 | Pentecost Meditations, Pilgrimage Blog
Almighty God, As we journey on this Pilgrimage of life, lift our arms to help, strengthen our hearts to love, fill our voices to sing, open our minds to knowledge and truth, and help us to grow in service to your Church and the world. With the anointing of the...