Linda Rogers
Church of the Epiphany, Clarks Summit
Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord.
Psalm 27:14
This has been a quiet day, but an emotionally full one. There are only two more days here at Epiphany School. They will be followed by three days of travel that will deliver us to our homes.
Alice and I joined Fr. Charles on a trip to her hometown of Kihihi (Cha-hee-hee) for a shopping trip because it was “market day.” I purchased fabric from which I will sew purses and bags to sell as a Ministry fundraiser. Hopefully, we’ll have time in Kampala to purchase other fundraising items.
Tomorrow we’ll go to church and enjoy time together. From past experience I anticipate at least a 90 minute service, but it will more likely be 2 hours. Typically, the offering also includes produce which is auctioned off to the congregation, adding time and the joy of sharing God’s provisions!
Monday will include a trip to the Batwa Resettlement. And, I plan to photograph each Epiphany School class with the teacher as well as take a group picture of the teachers and cooks. Fr. Charles and Alice and I have been friends for many years. This fourth visit is the shortest “on the ground” time due to our travel arrangements. I am already grieving the loss of our time together.
We are looking at the Ministry in order to find ways to make sure it continues beyond “us.” How can we be sure the School can be self-sustaining and who will be the future leadership?
Opening Heart and Mind: My heart is full and my mind is racing with ideas for sharing this trip. The challenge will be to make good use of the “Three C’s:” Connect, Communicate, and Collaborate as I share the good news and challenging news of the Reaching the Pygmies Ministry. I need to remember: “Let go and let God.” Then it will be right.