Despair turned to joy

Linda Rogers Church of the Epiphany, Clarks Summit Hear me, O Lord, for Your loving kindness is good; turn to me according to the multitudes of Your tender mercies. Psalm 69:16 Yesterday’s despair turned to joy as I sat with Fr. Charles Busingye (director, Reaching...

Meeting the Adversary

Linda Rogers Church of the Epiphany, Clarks Summit Deliver me in Your righteousness, and cause me to escape; incline Your ear to me, and save me. Be my strong refuge, to which I may resort continually. Psalm 71:2-3a I like to think I am an optimist and a planner. I...

Rejoicing in change

Linda Rogers Church of the Epiphany, Clarks Summit Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, who only does wondrous things! Psalm 72:18 On this first full day at Epiphany School we rejoiced in the changes since our last visit five years ago. Alice, the principal,...

Starting out

Linda Rogers Church of the Epiphany, Clarks Summit A little more than 20 years ago I was asked in a job interview what had brought me to that moment. I began my answer, “I’ve been on a journey…” As I look back on my life, I think I’ve been on a...